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- Regression Analysis on Car Variables and its Mileage. In this report we look into a collection of cars and explored on the relationship between a set of variables and miles per gallon as the the outcome. Inferential analysis show that manual (24.39) is better compared to automatic (17.15) in terms of mpg. However, results of the regression analysis using the best model show that when significant predictors such as cylinder(cyl), horsepower(hp) and weight(wt) are included in the model, the type of transmission seems to be insignificant (p > 0.05) even though shifting from auto to manual increases mpg by 1.81.
- Exploring the Probable Predictors of Hospital Stay: The results on the recent satisfaction survey of the clients show that many had concerns on the length of hospital stay and claim that such is attributed by the documentation processing prior to discharge. Further investigation is conducted with random collection of data from a computed sample size. The goal of the analysis is to confirm whether documentation processing (or any other variables) contribute much to the length of hospital stay (in minutes).